Saturday, October 25, 2008

Independent Profit Center...Learning the Ropes

It's been a little over a month since I became live with my IPC website. I haven't had much success with sales however I am not giving up. In this type of business, it's all in how you market yourself and that's what I'm learning to do.

I'll admit I fell off a little in the last few weeks-not putting in the time I should be in researching ways to build my ranks in the search engines. I had a few personal set-backs but rest assured, on my way back again.

This is exciting and over- whelming at the same time...there's so much to know. I am determined and I will be taking my time.

I've had two articles that I've been trying to get live and finally yesterday, one got approved! HALLELUJAH! Please be kind and visit my first article They made me feel all "professional" by labeling me an "expert" author...what a great way to feed the ego and get me to write more articles! As the great Yoda would say "more articles, I shall write". :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Aspiring To Become A Marketing Guru

Well, it's been two weeks now that my IPC business is up and running live. I've learned a lot during this time, however much is still to be mastered. It's so exciting learning all this "internet marketing" stuff...who knew there were so many ways to driving business to your website. Some methods are very I'm still in a daze after watching the tutorial on those.

None the less, I am determined to learn and master ALL techniques. I have set a goal for my business and that is, this time next year I will be completing 50 sales per month. At $200 per sale...well, you do the math.

I am taking my time though. I am going to concentrate on one method at a time. Currently, I am learning the art of article submission. I have two articles on that are currently pending review before they are published. I will keep you posted of their debut. Presently however you can view my first Squidoo lens but be sure to leave your feedback, I appreciate your support and suggestions.

Be blessed!