Saturday, October 25, 2008

Independent Profit Center...Learning the Ropes

It's been a little over a month since I became live with my IPC website. I haven't had much success with sales however I am not giving up. In this type of business, it's all in how you market yourself and that's what I'm learning to do.

I'll admit I fell off a little in the last few weeks-not putting in the time I should be in researching ways to build my ranks in the search engines. I had a few personal set-backs but rest assured, on my way back again.

This is exciting and over- whelming at the same time...there's so much to know. I am determined and I will be taking my time.

I've had two articles that I've been trying to get live and finally yesterday, one got approved! HALLELUJAH! Please be kind and visit my first article They made me feel all "professional" by labeling me an "expert" author...what a great way to feed the ego and get me to write more articles! As the great Yoda would say "more articles, I shall write". :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Aspiring To Become A Marketing Guru

Well, it's been two weeks now that my IPC business is up and running live. I've learned a lot during this time, however much is still to be mastered. It's so exciting learning all this "internet marketing" stuff...who knew there were so many ways to driving business to your website. Some methods are very I'm still in a daze after watching the tutorial on those.

None the less, I am determined to learn and master ALL techniques. I have set a goal for my business and that is, this time next year I will be completing 50 sales per month. At $200 per sale...well, you do the math.

I am taking my time though. I am going to concentrate on one method at a time. Currently, I am learning the art of article submission. I have two articles on that are currently pending review before they are published. I will keep you posted of their debut. Presently however you can view my first Squidoo lens but be sure to leave your feedback, I appreciate your support and suggestions.

Be blessed!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Now it's time to make real money, real fast!

Hello. I'm setting up this blog to chronicle my experiences as an Independent Profit Center (IPC) sponsor. Before I begin however, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Michelle and I am a wife and mother to three beautiful children. I've been out of high school, well let's say, since OJ was acquitted on murder charges. Amazing how fast times flies. Anyways, I guess you can say I am an entrepreneur by heart. My parents owned their own business, which they then helped me start my own business at the tender, immature age of 18.

I bet you're wondering what kind of business this was... a tan and nail salon. In my Junior year in high school, I took classes to become a nail technician. As a little girl growing up, I always wanted to become a hair designer, that obviously didn't happen. However, none the less , I did put my mark in the beauty industry.

So, at 18 my mom and I were running this new business. I can go into a bunch of details that ultimately resulted in the demise of the business, but for time's sake I'll save you that drama. Basically after 5 years, my mother moving to another state and the fact that I was 23 and was about to have my first child, I decided I didn't want the responsibility of the business anymore. Oh by the way, it's not like I gave up this prospering, booming, money-making venture. In fact, It was starting to lose money more than it was making it and I was disheartened by the whole experience and just wanted to move on with my life.

Now fast forward 8 years and we're at present time.
Until just recently, I continued working in the beauty industry as a very successful nail technician, working at high-end salons. Throughout these years however, I was always trying to find new ways of having my own business again, preferrably something I can work at home.

In trying to find that perfect opportunity, I came across MANY, MANY, MANY scams! Thankfully, I was smart enough to do my research before giving any of them my money. But I was still at a loss, I haven't found that dream opportunity yet. That is until a month ago, as I was doing my research on another lead, I came across an article that explained this other business opportunity: a home-based business that I can start up for as little as $250 with the possibility to make up to $1000 a day! Is this for real? Is this another scam? How does that old saying go, "if it's too good to be true..." well, you know the rest.

My handy-dandy research skills bestowed upon me once again. Although this time I was not finding anything negative about this. In fact, everything was positive. I continued researching for about a week, guess what? NOTHING! I couldn't find anything that was bad about this.

Instead I found a 98% automated business that deposits my earnings directly into my bank account with no commission to split, no yearly or monthly membership fees, no upline, no cold-calling, no inventory purchasing, just $200 deposited into your account over and over.

I'm referring to the IPC program. As a member, you get full training on how to market your business, a HUGE software bundle that you have resale rights to, your very own website, did I mention $200 deposited into your account over and over on a daily basis? And all this for just working an hour a day! "SIGN ME UP", I said!

So I too am a member of the IPC now and enjoying the benefits. Watching my dreams become reality so much sooner than I imagined possible. And being a business owner again is a good feeling too...I'm alive!

To learn more on how you can become a member of the IPC and make your dreams a reality, visit my website at and always remember, knowledge has no power until it is applied.

Stay tuned as I will update this blog with my progress as an IPC sponsor.

Be blessed,